This meeting is the flagship conference in the field and is attended by 900 researchers. The conference dates are Tuesday, March 12 – Sunday, March 17. The exhibits dates are Wednesday, March 13– Friday, March 15. The meeting consists of plenary and current sessions and ~600 posters and workshops that highlight new developments and techniques.
Exhibit Space Application
Exhibit and Sponsorship Fees
$6,000 |

Recognition as Gold Sponsor
6’ exhibit space in poster session
Logo and link to be displayed on meeting website
Contribution acknowledged in program book
Contribution acknowledged at Opening Plenary
Two full conference registrations for exhibit representatives (housing is not included)
Full page black and white ad in program book
$3,000 |

Recognition as Silver Sponsor
6’ exhibit space in poster session
Logo and link to be displayed on meeting website
Contribution acknowledged in program book
Contribution acknowledged at Opening Plenary
Half page black and white ad in Program Book
One full conference registration for exhibit representative (housing is not included)
$2,000 |

Recognition as Bronze Sponsor
Logo and link on meeting website
Contribution acknowledged in program book
Half page black and white ad in program book
$2,500 |
Recognition as an exhibitor
6’ exhibit space in poster session
Logo to be displayed on meeting website
Contribution acknowledged in program book
Contribution acknowledged at Opening Plenary
One full conference registration for exhibit representative (housing is not included) |
Payment by check should be made payable to the Genetics Society of America or charge to Visa, MasterCard or American Express will be accepted. Payment and application should be sent to: Anne Marie Mahoney, Genetics Society of America, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814,
mahoney@genetics-gsa.org, Phone: (301) 634-7039, Fax: (301) 634-7079.
Exhibit Hours
The exhibits will be held at the same time as the Poster Sessions in the Fireside Pavillion.
Move-in and Set Up: |
Wednesday, March 13 |
8:00am - 6:00pm |
Poster and Exhibit Sessions: |
Wednesday, March 13 |
8:00pm - 10:00pm |
Thursday, March 14 |
8:00pm – 10:00pm |
Friday, March 15 |
8:00pm – 10:00pm |
Dismantle: |
Saturday, March 16 |
9:00am - 12:00 noon |
Exhibitors are expected to have employees at their tables during the above times.
Shipping Instructions
Exhibitors are responsible for shipping their exhibit materials. All shipments must go through TRICORD Convention and Exhibit Services, 738 Neeson Road, Marina, CA, 93933. Before shipping materials, fill out the Material Handling form and email to: casey@tricord.net
Telephone: (831) 883-8600
Fax: (831) 883-8686
The Genetics Society of America, the Fungal Policy Committee, Asilomar Confererence Center and their officers, agents and employees assume no liability for exhibitors' property. Exhibitors are expected to carry adequate liability and loss insurance to cover possible loss/damage/theft of equipment, displays, personal items or other materials under the supervision of the Exhibitor.
Space Cancellation
Space may be canceled by written request to the Genetics Society of America and the entire amount paid by the Exhibitor will be refunded if request is received before January 8, 2013. GSA will retain 50% of the total paid by the exhibitor for space cancellation requests received after January 8, 2013.
Additional GSA Conferences Opportunities
The Genetics Society of America also sponsors the 54th Annual Drosophila Research Conference and the 19th International C. elegans Meeting in 2013. Be sure and check out the meeting websites for exhibit information.